Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Sigma Spa Mat Review

If you're into make-up, be it that you are a make-up enthusiast, professional make-up artist or simply a make-up lover I know you share the same dilemma when it's time to clean your brushes. 

If you're like me that has a good number of brushes around, you know it will take you hours cleaning them the traditional way.  When I say traditional, it's the one brush, put a gentle soap, swirl it on your palm and then some use olive oil or additional solution before you finish cleaning more than a dozen number of brushes.  By the time your done, hands will be wrinklier than your grandma's.

A lot of companies out there has released their own tool to make our lives easier and this is what I wanted to talk about today.  Sigma Beauty launched their Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Mat in addition to their line of Spa Gloves line.

Girls/Boys, it's always a good practice to make sure that your tools (brushes) are clean every time you use it.  You don't want those bacteria entering your face as this will give you acne and all sorts of skin diseases, don't you? Let me take you in action on my experience of this new product I discovered.                              

The all new Sigma Spa Brush Mat have 7 patented textures to help us make-up lovers clean our eye and face brushes.  It's a hands free tool and you can now say goodbye to wrinkly hands each time you use it.  Likewise, the cleaning time will be cut into half.  

This also has suction cups at the bottom of the mat to keep it in place; you don't want your investment (brushes) to whirl around the mat and potentially break it right.  It's said to also fit almost 32% of the sinks available.

The dimensions of this mat is 15.15 in 9.8 inches/38.5 cm x 25 cm.

So now the demonstration part, I tried my best to showcase below how I the Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Mat and I'll let you know my thoughts.

STEP 1 - Wet the brush - Always remember not to soak your brushes to the water to avoid premature breakage and to make your brushes last longer.  Don't let the water go inside the ferrule and loosen up the glue that holds the brush hair.

STEP 2: Apply the cleaning solution.  In this case, wet the cleanser and swirl your brush around a couple of times.

STEP 3: Depending on what brush you are cleaning (in this case an eye brush), you swirl or rub your brush on the section that says "Wash Eyes"

Wash eyes texture in action below.

For a more deep clean, select refine plus for eyes (See Below).

STEP 4: Use the rinse eyes texture to clear all of the soap and bubbles and leave your brush to dry using your drying mat of whatever you use to dry it out.

From the time I got to use this particular tool, my life in cleaning my brushes has improved.  It no longer take me hours to clean it and I'm sure that the bristles are on tip top shape once done.  I'm giving this a big 5/5 rating as it's a tool for your make-up kit.

Also, the procedures are the same but you need to use the other side of the textures for face brushes.

By the way I got mine at Luxola website and this retails for 1,475.50 pesos.  This is a good deal as this will help you extend the life of your brushes and helps you avoid bacteria build up on your tools.

To give you an idea of how the textures looks like up close, I have taken pictures for your viewing pleasure.  I hope this particular review is helpful to you guys and I sure hope to see you on my next blog.  Please do share, comment and let me know any questions you may have. :)

Thanks again for dropping by.
